98% close rate by Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker Myers Jackson. In 25 years of doing real estate auctions, it has been determined that a successful close rate can be labeled as one that has actually completed the closing process.

To sell Your Property

in less than 31 days

In normal conditions, this means that there were disclosures made such as terms and conditions of the sale, either a memorandum of sale was issued by the Auctioneer to the best Buyer and ultimately a purchase and seller agreement may or may not have been signed in most cases there is a purchase and sale agreement which gives the details, the memorandum, and the acknowledgment that a contract is in place between the buyer and the seller Paragraph it is very common once the two parties (the buyer and the seller) has executed these documents it is safe to say that 98% of the time the transaction endeavored a successful clothes. You could also say the property transferred from the seller to the buyer When the property was sold under the direction of the Auctioneer as authorized by the seller.

98% is an astounding, success rate, and may deserve further scrutiny. However, Auctioneers welcome the questions because in most situations the Auctioneer will point to the terms and conditions of sale. This is a controlling document that some referred to as a set of rules and these rules are disclosed in advance . Auctioneers also follow state law, such as disclosure of the Byers premium. This is disclosed and announced in advance other terms, like “as – is“ is another term that a Auctioneer may use. Regardless of the terms, the Auctioneer typically enjoys a higher percentage of closing ratios due to the fact that people agree in advance without ambiguities or a way that someone could back out of the agreement in Texas there were 43 ways that a person could back out of the “Texas promulgated contracts between a purchaser and a seller“

Contracts that have addendum‘s such as terms and conditions of sale, or a sellers addendum that is supervised or drafted by a licensed attorney could be part of the document package that attributes to the success rate.

If you have property that you wish to sell and you would like to learn more about how you can save 80 to 100% of commissions and closing costs when you sell your Real Estate please message America’s Auctioneer … on yeah..! Don’t forget to ask about he 98% success rate at the closing table


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+1-469-460-4848 Text


Myers Jackson
P.O. Box 2014, Grapevine, TX 76099

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