Texas Fallen Project Joint Fundraiser with America’s Auctioneer to Help Veterans


Texas Fallen Project Joint Fundraiser with America’s Auctioneer to Help Veterans and Gold Star Families at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, TX. Veterans and Gold Star Families were honored during the evening which included a meal, speeches, entertainment and a live auction. In fact, Texas Fallen Project has been honoring and remembering the more than 600 Texans who have fallen while serving our country since 9/11. As well as honoring Gold Star Families, the families of the fallen, who as well sacrificed for our country.

“The answer is Yes!” says Myers Jackson, head auctioneer for the USVET.fund, a 501c3 organization based out of north Texas. “Yes! We will help your veterans organization”, Jackson says. In fact adding that he and his team will go wherever they are needed or asked. In doing such, organizing and conducting fundraiser auctions. Indeed all in an effort to help veterans and veteran organizations raise needed funds. “It’s something near and dear to our hearts and it’s something that we are each passionate about,” Myers explains of he and his team America’s Auction Team.


Joining Forces For a Gala and Veterans


Texas Fallen Project and America’s Auctioneer join forces for gala. For example, recently America’s Auctioneer Myers Jackson and America’s Auction Team organized and conducted a fundraiser auction for Bobby Withrow’s Texas Fallen Project. By all means two veterans with likeminded missions. While taking place during a gala at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock, Texas. Certainly the evening brought together many people and organizations helping raise funds. Likewise, the night included a meal, speeches by Gold Star families and music by Shannon Book.

Throughout the evening items lined tables at the front of the room. Then by the time that Myers took to the stage the crowd was good and ready to get things sold, sold, sold and help Bobby raise money for Texas Fallen Project. Correspondingly, for more than an hour bid cards were raising high and some unique items made by the very hands of veterans were finding their places in homes filled with pride for our nations military heroes. Thus a room full of generous bidders kept Myers’s big gavel busy all night. Indeed making for a successful evening.


A Veteran Using His Skills to Help Other Veterans


Furthermore, his is a name known in many homes across the country. Myers Jackson America’s Auctioneer. Not to mention his cowboy hat, cowboy boots and that Texas-size gavel. Truly, each week fans watch him sell flipped homes on reality tv with his iconic chant and catchy Myersisms. However, some do not know that Myers is a United States Marine Corps veteran. However, as of 2017, Myers is as well a veteran using his skills to help other veterans. Therefore utilizing his skills as an auctioneer along with his team’s fundraiser auctions to help veterans, VFWs, American Legions and other veterans organizations raise needed funds.

Truly it began with an idea from Myers. Henceforth an idea which is unfolding into an organization consisting of veterans helping veterans. How so, you ask. For instance, it starts with the auction items. What makes these items so unique? To begin with, many of the items are made and/or supplied by veterans all over the United States. In fact, these veterans craft them with their own hands. Moreover, these veterans make these creations as a means of hobby, therapy or income supplementation. Such as hand drawn art by US Army veteran and Purple Heart recipient Jeremy Jackson (no relation to Myers), or abstract art by disabled Army Veteran Monique Cooksey. Furthermore, the veterans consign their work with USVET.fund who then auctions them to the highest bidder at veteran fundraiser events.



Texas Fallen Project Gala and Fundraiser




Texas Fallen Project Auctioneer Fundraiser 




*Photograph credits: Myers Jackson and Staff Photographer Kelcy Lauren