Making A Normal Offer?

“A Normal Offer”


There’s no such thing as a “normal offer” in real estate. Forget what you’ve been told about standardized negotiating rules—each offer is as unique as the individuals involved. Real estate agents might offer guidance, but there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Auction Normal Offer

As an auctioneer, I’m constantly asked, “Can I make a normal offer?” My response? Here are the Terms and Conditions of Sale—preset rules, yes, but far from “normal.” Every property sale, whether real or personal, is governed by its own set of parameters under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), making each negotiation a distinct process. Real estate agents aren’t necessarily auctioneers, and vice versa. The next offer they draft might resemble the last one, but it’s unlikely to be identical. Circumstances change with each deal, and different buyers and sellers bring their own unique requirements to the table. Auction Normal Offer

So, let’s toss the idea of a “normal offer” out the window. Making all offers uniform could lead to negligence. Each new deal demands its own tailored negotiating tactics and offer structure—not something you’ll find in a standard playbook.

Myers Jackson, America’s Auctioneer, is here to drive up bids. Starting bids may not meet the reserve, and terms are subject to change without notice, online or offline. Buyer premiums apply. (License No. GA 3046 | Contact: 469-460-4848)


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