Texas Auctioneers Ringman Contest

produces 15 year old Champion


Texas Auctioneers Ringman Contest Champion is Levi Meier. Levi is the son of World Champion Auctioneers Craig and Angie Meier and brother to competing ringman Riley Meier.  Levi attended the World Champion Ringman College where his parents along with Vaughn Long and Shawn Hagler are owners and instructors. Benefits of the ringman in an auction to communicate with the auctioneer and the bidders so that no bid is missed. Ringman benefits are numerous and contribute to better outcomes. These men and women interact with the bidders communicating to the auctioneer accepted bids throughout the room. Not only does the contest in Texas surely help sharpen the skills of the ringman, it builds character and camaraderie amongst the contestants, the bidders and the Auctioneers. Scroll to SEE PHOTO GALLERY

Texas Auctioneers Ringman: Being the Eyes and Ears

Indeed, the ringman is an essential backbone for any auction event, especially large ones. As the extended eyes and ears, the benefits of the ringman in an auction are numerous. Most importantly, the ringman communicates with the bidders alerting the auctioneer to bids. Yes the auctioneer is scanning through the room for hands in the air or verbal indications of a bid. However, the larger the crowd the more difficult it is for the auctioneer to see and accept each one. The Auctioneer cannot have total eye focus on everyone at the same time. Indeed we can hear, but did we hear that bid called out in the far left corner of the room correctly?

As a matter of fact, what I mean is while an auction is going on there is an abundance of additional side noise also going on. I have a current bid of $400, do I have $425? $425? Do I have $425? Over to the left of the podium I hear a voice say “Yes!” I accept it as a bid. Yet, come to find out, my $425 bidder was in actuality just someone yelling into a phone with poor reception. 

All in all, the ringman, without a doubt, helps the auctioneer produce the highest possible price for any sale. The ringman can add thousands of dollars to a simple item and hundreds of thousands to any given sale event. Regardless of the value , $100 may mean $125, $135, $145 with an experienced ringman. The ringman is an essential asset at every auction.

Now, enter the ringman. Like a pilot, this essential person is the auctioneer’s wingman. The ringman looks, listens and talks with individuals on a one on one basis. The ringman gets to know the bidders and their intentions. The bidder’s job is to buy the item and the ringman’s job is to ensure every bidder has the opportunity to bid. In the event that a bidder hesitates the ringman is there to make available to the auctioneer the most profitable intention.

Who Can Be a Ringman? They are Worldwide

Interestingly, ringman positions are fulfilled by auctioneers since many auctioneers specialize in ringman duties. Some ringmen are flown all over the world just to be an auctioneer’s right hand person. Barrett Jackson classic car auctions, real estate auctions, local equestrian sales, and fundraisers all employ the services of top hand people to be a part of the event. Further proving that there are benefits of the ringman in an auction. 

Indeed sometime the entryway into greater talents is showcased by being a ringman. A great friend in Maryland by the name of Sam Grasso is one of the most talented auctioneers in the industry. However his talents are sough after because of his skills and level of professionalism as a ringman. The same goes with another great friends in, Wayne Thorn, Dustin Taylor (five time world champion), Dave Roberts, Nick McMinchen, Sean Hanafi, Michael Steele, World Champion Landon Waddle, World Champion Shawn Hagler-an owner of World Champion Ringman College, Vaughn Long-also an owner of World Champion Ringman College and 2007 World Champion Ringman of the World Automobile Auctioneers Championship (WAAC), World Champion Chris Elliot and many more ringman professionals that work across the planet. Indeed Levi’s father Craig is a 2007 WAAC Team Champion with his wife Angie, 2009 WAAC Team Champion. As well as a co-owner and instructor at World Champion Ringman College.

Texas Auctioneers Ringman are Ladies ? 

Of course ringman is a universal term used by the ladies, the younger professionals and all auctioneers. As I was taking photos at a contest one evening, well known world renowned auctioneer Paul C. Behr asked a question. “Ladies, what do you believe the correct title should be for lady auctioneers who work the ring?” There was no hesitation from the ladies. Their response was ringman. The group of ladies were proud to be part of an industry built on tradition. There are many ladies who have competed and won the title of Texas Champion Ringman. Such as 2019 Champion Ringman Monica Higdon, Kate Phillips in 2015, Traci Yeaman in 2011, and Brandy Assiter in 2006. Of course Levi’s mother Angie is a co-owner and instructor of World Champion Ringman College, 2007 Champion Ringman and 2007 WAAC Team Champion with her husband Craig.

Of course we will never forget the ladies like Shannon mays, IAC Champion Auctioneer and Professional Ringman and instructor at the Professional Ringmen’s Institute where the motto us “Teaching Skills to Make Every Auction a Better One”. Shannon teaches alongside Tami Tisland, another world champion auctioneer who is a professional in the ring. These ladies work alongside some other greats such benefit Auctioneer and Ringman Susan Johnson, World Champion Auctioneer and ringman Amy Assiter.  As well as US Bid Calling Champion, Texas Champion Auctioneer who never hesitates to take the ring alongside her husband Craig, and mother to Levi and Riley, Angie Meier.

More about Texas Auctioneer Ringman Competition

In fact there are competitions across the United States allowing ringmen to compete. For instance, the Texas Auctioneer Association, which recently had their annual convention and state champion contest. One contest was that of Champion Ringman. This year’s ringman champion is Levi Meier. Attending for just his second year, the 15 year old lit up the room with his energetic personality and skill. Entering the contest next to seasoned professionals, Levi’s skills were put to the test and yes siree he proved his abilities. Levi commanded the stage as he jolted the crowed. In fact, he said that, he and his sister had a little rock, paper scissors competition to select the best Auctioneer to call the bids for them during the contest. He looks up back at his dad and said “I lost”. Craig Meier his dad is a World Class Auctrioneer as well as his mom Angie Meier. Levi and Angie sold as team during the fun Auction the previous night. He brought the house down with his creative command of the stage and continued with enthusiastic personality capturing every bid possible. His Championship was well earned. Levi’s performance was a classic example of World Class Ringman working across the globe.   

Now listen to this, Levi’s own sister Riley was as well in the competition. Riley took 3rd place in the ringman Contest and Reserve Champion in the Teams contest alongside her mom Angie. This dynamic duo rocked the house within their own rights. Smiles from every corner of the room was a reflection of the talented work and smile on the face of the teenage star ringman.

Jedd Trice of Valley View, TX took Reserve Champion in the ringman competition. Jedd’s energy filled the room landed him in the finals of the competition.. A host of additional well defined and talented auctioneers showcased their professional skills.

Furthermore, take a look at the photos displayed in the gallery. Pay close attention to the excitement, exuberance, and keen look in the one on one conversations between the ringman and the person who may be bidding. Not only that, the constant communication between the ringman and the auctioneer with vocals, hand signals, nods of the head or eye contact.

Notably, competitions far and wide will remain constant with a healthy balance of men, women, and young professionals who wish to be a top hand in the auction industry. Thirteen Texas Auctioneers entered the Ringman Contest at at the convention and state champion contest in San Marcos.

Levi Meier Texas Auctioneer Ringman Champion

Riley Meier Texas Auctioneer Ringman Reserve Champion 

Jedd Trice Texas Auctioneer Ringman Championship Finalist


Patrick “Doc” Breen Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman

Casey Cade Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman

Tim Dietz Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman 

Rusty Durham Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman 


Melissa Falls Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman

Chad Hodges Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman 

Stan Young Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman

Austin Moore Texas Professional Ringman 

Jayme Moore Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman

Hudson Sisk Texas Auctioneer and Professional Ringman 

They Teach how to be a Ringman at a School in Missouri

Truly there is even a school out in Missouri teaching auctioneers and others the specific talents, communication methods and the structure necessary to be world-class. This school is the Professional Ringmen’s Institute in Rogersville, Missouri.

Ringmen, Auctioneers and the Industry Call Themselves Family

Similarly, auctioneers all over the world consider each other family. And for good reason. We do not hesitate to help each other; we do not hesitate to the be auctioneer and will never hesitate to be a ringman for other auctioneers in order to promote and sanctify the talents we all as professionals possess.

Photos of the Texas Auctioneers Association Ringman Competition Courtesy of Myers Jackson 

Texas Auctioneers Association Member